Mediumship Development Circles

Are you interested in exploring the world of mediumship? Do you want to develop your psychic abilities and connect with the spiritual realm? We will soon be offering Mediumship Development Circles!

Mediumship Development Circles are a unique opportunity for individuals who are interested in deepening their connection to the spirit world. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience in mediumship, these development circles are designed to support your growth and provide a safe and nurturing environment for your development.

Why join our Mediumship Development Circles?

1. Expert Guidance: Our circles will be led by Crystal Ortiz who has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field. She will provide guidance, share insights, and offer practical exercises to help you enhance your mediumship abilities.

2. Supportive Community: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest for mediumship. Our circles foster a sense of community and provide a supportive space where you can share your experiences, ask questions, and learn from others on the same journey.

3. Structured Learning: Our circles will follow a structured curriculum that covers various aspects of mediumship development. From understanding the different types of mediumship to practicing, you will receive comprehensive training to expand your abilities.

4. Practice Sessions: Put your skills into action through practice sessions within the circle. These sessions will allow you to develop your psychic senses, practice delivering messages, and receive feedback from both the facilitators and fellow participants.

5. Personal Growth: Mediumship development is not just about connecting with the spirit world; it is also a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Our circles will provide opportunities for self-reflection, inner healing, and expanding your spiritual awareness.

Stay tuned for more information on our upcoming Mediumship Development Circles. We are committed to creating a transformative and enriching experience for all participants. Whether you are curious about mediumship or already on a spiritual path, our circles will help you unlock your potential and deepen your connection to the unseen realms.