February 2025 Tarot Forecast

February 2025 Tarot Forecast

As we move through February, the energy shifts to guide us all towards deeper alignment and purpose. This month offers opportunities for growth, reflection, and action in ways that support both personal and collective well-being. Discover what Spirit has in store for you.


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This month’s oracle card deck is Ask your Guides by Sonia Choquette. Update: This deck has an updated version as of 2024. The deck used for this reading is the original 2005 version. Ask your Guides deck has an accompanied book, also titled Ask your Guides, for learning more and connecting to your divine support system. 

Green oracle card with title on top Solitude and on the bottom title higher self. In the middle, there is the shape of a tree with the silhouette of a person hugging and embracing a silhouette of a person sitting in meditation facing the tree with the number 13 on the side.

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

🌱 Earth: Solitude

This month calls for deep introspection, offering you the space to reconnect with your core values and beliefs. There is always something new to learn about yourself, especially as it relates to your relationships and creative endeavors. Your nervous system has been overstimulated recently, making solitude a necessary act of renewal. Step away from external noise, seek nature, and embrace stillness to restore your spirit. If you feel pressure to make a decision, trust that not all information is available yet—there is no rush. 

Affirmation: I embrace solitude as a path to wisdom, renewal, and inner clarity.

orange oracle card with top titled discontent and bottom titled muses. In the middle there is an image of a silhouette of a person that is facing many trees that are without leaves surrounded by dancing ghosts. There are floating gold images of a musical instrument and a mask and little children holding up smoke with the number 8 on the right bottom corner.

Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

🌬️ Air: Discontent

Your mind is overfilling with thoughts, worries, and ambitions, creating a sense of overwhelm. Instead of trying to tackle everything at once, focus on one thing, one feeling, or one task at a time. Find fulfillment in focusing your attention and intention on one creation, project or conversation. If you have been feeling stagnant, remember that a new adventure awaits, but for now, presence and gratitude will guide you forward. Allow frustration to be a sign of your creative longing rather than a source of distress.

 Affirmation: I find fulfillment in the journey, embracing each moment as an act of creation.

blue oracle card with the top titles celebration and the bottom titled joy guides. in The middle of the card, there is an image of silhouettes of a person holding a bouquet of flowers and fruits, a couple getting marries and two angelic like children floating surrounded by more flowers with the number 14 on the bottom right.

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

🌊 Water: Celebration

This is a time of success and recognition. You have worked hard to build structure in your life, and now the blessings of your dedication are coming to fruition. Your accomplishments are a combination and representation of your hard work and of your community and spiritual support system. With success comes the challenge of leadership. Shine your light while and remain open and receptive to potential collaborations that come your way. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and allow yourself to feel joy. 

Affirmation: I celebrate my achievements with gratitude, knowing I am supported by Spirit and community.

a purple oracle card with the top titled purpose and the bottom titled master teacher. the middle has an image of a silhouette person walking with flowers in their hand and a bag in the other hand walking on an arrow shaped path. There is the outline of a man spirit with stars all over the face and sky with the number 38 on the bottom right corner.

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

🔥 Fire: Purpose

You have been on a student journey, guided by a mentor who has imparted you with the knowledge and skills to show up fully for your community. Your time is now! Your strength lies in your dedication in the collective efforts. Life is no longer meant to be a struggle. By aligning with your purpose, you allow things to flow with ease. However, balance is essential; pouring yourself into your work is meaningful, but overexertion can lead to burnout. Your efforts are the reward, and remember that rest is just as valuable as action. 

Affirmation: I move with purpose, honoring both my dedication and my need for rest.

If you’re feeling called to explore these themes further, an intuitive card reading can provide clarity and guidance, helping you to feel lighter, aligned, and ready for whatever comes your way.

wood engraved la luna the moon tarot earrings on gold colored hypoallergenic hooks. Earrings being worn by a woman wearing glasses with a background of orange and yellow marigold fields.

As a Psychic Medium and Intuitive Guide, I help clients connect with Spirit and uncover deep understanding and healing in their lives. I'm ready to be of service whenever you are ready to learn more about yourself. 


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